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ADR CONNECTS is an initiative to raise awareness of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services available, to all residents at low or no cost, through The New York State Community Dispute Resolution Centers Program (CDRCP). Individuals, families and communities come to CDRCS for help with difficult conversations, decisions and disputes about a variety of issues and concerns. 

We all have conflicts in our lives, and ADR processes like mediation, conflict coaching and restorative practices, effectively save people time and money and support personal voices and choices.

ADR CONNECTS is a partnership with The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council that improves access to highly effective CDRC programs services to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), their families and communities managing difficult conversations, decisions, and disputes. 

The core values of ADR support human, civil and legal rights; self-determination; and dignity. CDRC services help people develop communication skills, strengthen relationships, and reach positive outcomes that contribute to well-being.

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People choose to participate and talk about what matters to them


We all have conflicts in our lives that can cause stress, impact health and well-being, harm important relationships, and compromise communities. 

CDRCs services help people constructively respond to difficult conversations, decision making, and disputes. Issues include family responsibilities; housing and neighbor disputes; small claims, consumer and business conflicts; education and employment situations; and service provision issues in legal, financial, and health matters. 

Individuals with IDD, their families, and communities can learn constructive ways to express opinions and manage conflict to address these and other issues often involved with adaptations, changes, and transitions often associated with disability, dignity, autonomy and human, civil and legal rights.  People come to CDRCs for effective early interventions on their own or they may be referred by friends, advocates, agencies, schools, law enforcement, organizations, lawyers, courts, and other trusted resources.

Individuals with disabilities often depend on family members for assistance with daily living activities in various ways throughout their lives. Shifting roles and responsibilities can strain relationships and lead to stressful situations and conflicts affecting important relationships.

Individuals living in family, cohousing and independent arrangements often find differences in lifestyles and activities can create conflict and limit community connection. Accessibility issues may reveal additional needs for accommodations and disputes between roommates and other residents.

Individuals with disabilities may need special education and employment accommodations and services. Schools and workplaces are required to provide for equity and inclusion, as well as assure human, legal and civil rights.

Individuals with disabilities may need to address disputes with others about capacity, competency, financial, medical, housing, business and other matters that involve legal contracts and court orders.

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Professionally trained staff and volunteers provide free or low cost services that build connections, improve communication skills, discuss issues and options, clarify choices, address differences and resolve disputes.


Where mediators help people discuss their concerns and differences in difficult decisions, situations and relationships. During mediation sessions, people are encouraged to raise issues, express perspectives, share interests and discuss options and develop their own solutions. As a result of mediation, people are better able to understand and cooperate with each other, and when possible, reach an agreement on how to move forward and resolve their issue(s).

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CDRCs provide convenient access to serve residents in all 62 counties

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ADR CONNECTS and Community Dispute Resolution Centers fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by ensuring accessibility for those that utilize both in person and virtual services to make meetings convenient. 

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